Contact Us
We are so excited to meet prospective students and partners.If you are interested in enrolling or partnering with us but have additional questions, please contact us in one of the following ways:
Request Additional Information:
To ask specific questions or request additional information, please use the information box. Please include your contact information and a complete message, and we will be happy to connect with you soon!
Please contact us by phone at 317-388-5375 with any questions.
Please contact us with any questions using our email address:
Please fax enrollment forms and other student documents to 317-663-1095.
Mail/In Person:
We are available to answer any questions in person. We are located at 3266 N Meridian Street, Suite 800 Indianapolis, IN 46208. Please note, meetings are by appointment only. Contact us via phone or email to schedule a meeting or tour.

3266 N Meridian Street, Suite 800, Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 388-5375